Santa Susana Student Wins County Mock Trial Design Contest

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Sonya Stone, a senior at Santa Susana High School in Simi Valley, submitted the winning artwork that will represent the 2015 Ventura County Mock Trial. 

Sonya’s artwork, which features a figure of Blind Justice encircled by stars, will represent this year’s Mock Trial Case, People v. Shem: An Art Theft. Sonya’s drawing will be featured on lapel pins, awards, fliers and packets publicizing the event. 

The 31st annual Ventura County Mock Trial will be held February 23 - 27, 2015, at the Ventura County Superior Court. Close to 500 students in grades nine through 12 will portray each of the principals in the cast of courtroom characters. Student teams study the hypothetical case, conduct legal research, receive guidance from volunteer attorneys in courtroom procedure and trial preparation, and present their case before volunteer judges. The Ventura County Office of Education and the Ventura County Superior Court host the event with support from the Constitutional Rights Foundation. 

More than 150 scoring attorneys volunteer their time, with sponsorship provided by Sage Publications and various local businesses and organizations.